Sunday, 25 March 2012

SEO, How it works and why you need it

So, you have a business. You surely have an office, a window, and some Ads posted on it. You use a tag line, a logo, and some attributes you want people to know. You choose all of these to be appealing. You know people look for assurances, reliability, and that they look for the best. So you try to answer their search with a good name and a catchy tag line. Than,when they are near your place, hopefully they will come in. What if they wouldn’t need to pass near you? What if they would ask them self: were oh were could we find a good and reliable professional? And in that same moment your place would pop up in front of their eyes?  You see, when it comes to the internet, these is how it works.  People type what they need and a list appears. Depending on the service and city that list is from big to huge. Who is on top of the list has the most chances to be chosen. Why? Well, is a list, and its top is the Big League. And don’t forget time is precious, who of us thinks that after scrolling trough 5 or 6 pages still has a chance of finding a good firm? Well, not the customer, in any case. A lot of professionals have not invested enough time in their site and so the online customer looses some great services.   
SEO means Search Engine Optimization. Yes, there is a engine behind browser searches. And this engine collects information, takes data, and based on that data it creates those lists. “Search” suggests  that something is to be found. “Engine” tell us there are some technical and mathematical terms involved. “Optimization” means that we always have to find new methods to be the best, and so, when the technical part fades the poetry of finding solutions appears.   
So, the client has some words in his mind, some special words that represent his desired service. These are key words, they contain specifications like: product, service, country, town, quality etc. Let’s say that a man would need a dentist for his child.  He would look for: pediatric, dentist, Bucharest (his neighborhood), good with kids, works in the evening etc. These are some of the words he will think for. Let’s go farther and imagine that at the moment he thinks of it he would see billboards with those same words pointing towards a specific dental clinic. Besides those billboards he sees articles in newspapers, people that mention it into their journals, and the most important: when he mentions those key words that specific dental clinic pops into the conversation. So, does he look for another one? Of course not.      
Behind its colorful graphics and magical applications, the Internet is all about words and numbers. Information is made of them. These are where keywords come into play. By using them you label your site with its niche. You label it, and then you make people talk about it and sent traffic trough it. Traffic means roads, roads that come towards your site via backlinks. Your site has an URL, an address. As you know these addresses are clickable. Click it and it takes you to your site. It is the way to your home; it contains all the information from your site, content and key words. Every time your address appears on another site it creates a backlink. These are the billboards we talked about. And there are also the people that talk about your place. Every time a friend or a satisfied customer mentions your site’s URL on his blog or in a comment, he creates a backlink towards your site. And so, some SEO optimization is done . 
This was a very short explanation of SEO.  What you have to get from this is that SEO is a wholle bunch of things, a lot of hard to explain things that are essential to your online business as are the walls of your office.  

optimizare seo, optimizare seo

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