Saturday, 14 April 2012

What to take into account when shopping for a new cell phone

Mobile phones are devices of maximum importance for our lives, at least in the last 10 years or so. If before we could talk with each other via land lines and actually meet in person when necessary, nowadays we use cell phones for work, keep in touch with family and friends and even keep track of what happens around the world. Cell phones evolved so much over the last years and today these devices the size of a chocolate bar can tell us how the weather will be, take high definition photos and videos, browse the internet, play games and many other functions. Handsets became pivotal to our daily activities and we couldn’t really imagine our lives without one of these in our pocket or bag. If it’s time for you to change your phone, you have to take into consideration a couple of factors that will make the experience worthwhile on the long term. Even if a phone seems flashy or cheap when you first see it, you should research about a particular model and see if it has all the features you need in order to enjoy it on the long term. Now let’s take a look at what makes a cell phone desirable for modern users.

Interface- phones use powerful operating systems, like Android, Windows or iOS and you should choose one that looks and feels right to you. It might be Android, because it’s highly customizable and lets you tweak all the features of the interface, or it might be iOS, which doesn’t allow for the same level of customization, but it’s perfectly tailored to satisfy users after a great interface, with top notch performance and smooth animations.

Battery- You might do some travelling or rarely be around a power source, so you need a cell phone that can go on a single charge for many days. There are cell phones out there that can squeeze an entire week on a single charge and around 12-20 hours of continuous conversation. Of course, you can save power by decreasing the brightness of the screen, running less videos or games and generally cutting battery intensive apps and functions.

Signal power- let’s not forget that a cell phone is made for talking and thus you should buy one that has a good signal even underground or on top of a mountain. Newer phones tend to have poor signals sometimes, but they substitute that with strong WiFi or 3G modems, which you can use in order to make Internet based calls, using Skype or Yahoo! Messenger.

Features- if you like watching videos on the bus or playing games while waiting for your airplane, you should get a phone that can play multimedia files and apps without a problem. Some phones can play HD clips, basically at the same quality as a tablet and a computer, even if the display is considerably smaller. Also, some phones can play games like Angry Birds and many game developers offer the phone versions of established platform or PC games, like Avatar: The game, Tron: Legacy or Battlefield 3. Keep an eye on cameras as well- many new cell phones have two cameras even, one in front and one in the back, usually able to record HD clips and photos.

vand telefon, telefoane de vanzare

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